Hi Matt,
Unfortunately 2D characters with glasses don't work well in CrazyTalk because the glasses are part of the image and will distort even with a simple blink or raise of an eyebrow.
However, you may be able to get acceptable results if the glasses are quite large and there is decent space between the eye and the frames.
The basic workflow then would be as follows:
1. Create a voice script and choose the "Lip-Sync Only" option.
2. In Content Manager go to Animation > Idle Motion and add the _Blank2D motion clip.
3. This will result in no facial animation at all but you will have the lip-sync.
4. You can then decide if you wish to add a little facial animation using Face Puppet (P) or the Face Key Editor (K) but try to keep eye and eyebrow movement to a minimum.
Hopefully this can help a little.
Forum Administrator