I Really like character creator, and this community seems very friendly, so i hope you don't mind me asking potentially silly questions.
1. I recently upload a file to the market place of a Head i made using morph sliders. I only updated the ccproject file, but now understand i should've updated the ccpreset file for the head, and maybe a morph slider ccCustomSlider file. I can't seem to find a way to add files to an existing product. Do i have to upload a new product each time?
2. these files that i have, the ccCustomSlider for example, i can't find a way to import them. Only by placing them in the correct folders. Is this correct? or am i missing an "import slider" buttons somewhere?
3. Is what im doing in general the way this market place works? I modify base content, make a face that i like, and then i can sell it? Assuming i only use the textures and the clothes that come with the base pack?
this is the product that i uploaded:
https://marketplace.reallusion.com/alexandra_262632Thanks for any help in advance!