2IDs media:design
2IDs media:design
Posted 6 Years Ago
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UI Layout reset Hey RL(YES a feedbacktracker is also setup :-)since the last Update the UI set-reset every Time we start the program new or after a crash :-(this is very annoying. Please see the pictures.RE2.png OUR layout so we work ....and picture RE1.png the reseted layout ...so we must arrange all the panes again to fit our needs. This effect takes place after we updated the Nvidia gfx driver to 441.23....and won't be repaired after we rollback to the preview installed gfx-driver 330.12 nor installing the recommend driver 331.86. very strange and mess up our work and slows down the work speed and fun factor.68% of original size (was 740x27) - Click to enlarge 68% of original size (was 740x27) - Click to enlarge
Posted 6 Years Ago
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First, in the menu bar go to window--> workspace and click on standard. Arrange your UI as desired, then in the menu bar go to window--> workspace and select save layout. This saves your arrangement of the UI. Close and reopen iclone, it should start with your desired layout. If it doesn't i suspect you antivirus might be blocking this changes, this is because some settings are stored in the windows registry (not sure if this is the case for layout settings but many others like max texture size are stored there) instead of some ini file or cfg file. Add iclone to the list of trusted applications (or whatever name your antivirus has for software that should not be monitored). After this you might need to redo all the steps i mentioned above but hopefully it will be last time you need to do this. I do not have this issue, running studio drivers version 430.84 but i don't think it is driver issue. The crashes when you create a light is a bug introduced in this version but as far as i can tell this is the only thing crashing iclone right now.
Hope this helps.
ps the forum renames images that are inserted in the post, if they are attached they retain their name (your post made me discover this)
Posted 6 Years Ago
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I'm using the latest Studio drivers (441.12), and I can confirm that the layout is preserved. Following raxel67's suggestion should resolve your issue.