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Adding Vertex Groups

Posted By troycarpenter7 6 Years Ago
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Adding Vertex Groups

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 6 Years Ago
Posts: 24, Visits: 84
In my work I use the blender particle system to strand render hair. In the past I have assigned the vertex groups for scalp, facial, and eyebrows after exporting from iClone into blender. This is not only repetitive, it also creates the possibility of inconsistent results for the same character.
Today I tested a new workflow.
I exported a character from CC via fbx and fbx key and imported into blender. In blender is assigned a vertex group to the scalp area. I did not alter the armature and weight painting of the armature bones. I just assigned vertexes to a new vertex group. I re-imported this into CC with the new FBX and the FBX key. On import there was a list of all the bones. They body ones had a gray status and the clothing, hair, and eyes ones had green status. Nothing was critical and CC let me continue. From CC I went into iClone 7, where I added motion, expressions, and dialog. I then exported from iClone into blender via FBX. In blender the animation worked properly. I then went to see if the vertex group I created was still there. This is where the trouble is. The scalp vertex group was no longer listed under the vertex groups. This my seem like a small issue. I know I can continue to assign the hair vertex groups each time importing the final FbX into blender but it is time consuming, and may produce inconsistent results. Also, with how easy computers make things, I was hoping one of you would have a solution.

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