Hey guys. I've been pretty absent of late, so here's 60% off some of my content packs until the end of the month...
https://marketplace.reallusion.com/store/ReaperProductions/module/48118 Everything in this module is 60% off until the 1st of October.
And here are some work in progress shots of what I'm currently working on. Goddesses of War.
There will be 5 different types of custom female characters, with custom armor/clothing and weaponry. So far there is the Egyptian Goddess of War, Samurai Goddess of War, and Roman Goddess of War. (Other 2 are still just thoughts floating around in my head)
Note. Textures are just a placeholder, they are all still works in progress after all :)
Also... everything is subject to change.
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge