Recently my main motherboard failed (2008 AMD 9550 Phenom win 7), and am using a backup AMD 5400, and also building an AMD x470 as my main board
I have de-activated iclone v7 and re-activated 3x (new windows 10 failed 2x and I have it working now with a cloud backup)
I copied my project/avatars/ data from the bad windows 7 motherboard drive and dragged them into iclone file location as a test run before the main build, but the props/iavatars do not show up within ic v7
However they do import individually if I drag them into a scene, but this would take tons of time to recover the thousands of
projects/props/materials/iavatars... I have created the last 4 years...
Is there an easy way to just import all the files from one drive to the new install?
Originally I was using windows 7 and have decided to upgrade to windows 10 Workstation acct.
I do have a cloud backup and might e able to recover win7 on the new build (this current board will not support from previous hardware win7 when drivers are added (might be the older CPU) and I have given up on trying that direction to restore the drive to a new board and simply want to extract all my riles back into the iC v7 and CC v3 without doing so 1 at a time?
Any ideas would be very helpful.
Thanx in advance