First ofall, thanks for sharing this wonderful software. I’ve tested near all versions,but I’m unable to obtain a final mocap in Blender (I want it to 3D max, but.BVH it’s fine for me); every time I execute the ScenceBlender script I’ve gotthe same error (but nothing shows wrong in the console), but comparing what you got inthe folder where the files are exported (like as seen in your video: https://youtu.be/ykJ7O0Bs8oQ?t=825)), I don’t have the same results: the folder at “C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\LocalLow\AnimationPrep Studios\AnimationPrepStudio_Lite\Blender_Scenes” only has a folder “cache”(with sceneLoader.blend”, and I’ve various folders with *.exp and *.vap filesof various mocap tests in “C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\LocalLow\AnimationPrep Studios\AnimationPrepStudio_Lite\VR_MocapFiles”, so the mocaps are doneand saved-
By the way,your soft is not installed in “C:” , and I’ve tested with Blender 2.79 and 2.8,but I think the problem is not Blender
My questionis : is this an error or a limitation of the free version? What I’m doing wrong ?
Is thereany way to get the .BVH files without Blender (FBX would be fine too) ?
Thanks inadvance