This is what developer wrote via discord:
If you check and search cameras in outliner you will see we have around 20 cameras in outliner ,
if you right click camera and pilot camera you will look thorough it
and open levels tab unhide lighting of the camera you are piloting then you got cinematic lighting of that camera
it may be a bit complicated by writing but in few weeks we will add tutorial video showing all those features
Your render output seems unlit hmm
In levels tab select layers which you unhide
Right click / streaming method / always streamed
And try again
I think it is because of render output renders only persistent ( main level )
Because you know lightings and set dressing has their own maps / levels
And showcase map is main level
When they are opened together it is nice lit scene
But when you hide lights levels it will be unlit
Lights and set dressing meshes are not in main map
You need to open levels tab
It supposed to be under window on top left
Next to edit
There is levels tab and it will show all levels in main map
Every single camera has its own lighting level
So when you pilot one camera only base lighting and this cameras lighting should be unhide and rest of them should be hidden
Also base directional will be hidden
Because all cameras lighting levels has its own directional lights and one directional light is enough for one map
make sure barrels are in the level which is allways streaming and unhided
lighting should work when moving camera
I do not have any idea for it
supposed to be same
in your video it seems like your are going through volumetric fog , may be that is the reason ?
Toystorylab on Vimeo : Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: