Edited below. Solved.
So there is one other topic like this but was some time ago (Last Year) and no resolution there. This USED TO work prior to 7.4 Update. So going to post pics and information for Reallusion to get this fixed. I am not going to make a Feedback Tracker on this as I really don't care at this point whether this works or not. All I can say is....either fix your docs/videos....or
fix your software.....or both.Note: We are using iClone7 and 3DExchange7 now as a re-targeting tool to get all animations (from our own and contract animators) on a single skeleton (1 for Female and 1 for Male). We now sub Maya 2018 and do all of our animation modifications in it in lieu of iClone7.4. Meaning we are almost done migrating away from iClone.
So here are the informational pics.
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76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
Edit Motion Layer works perfectly fine as well as adding keys in the Motion Layers to modify animation. The Curve Editor acts like it is completely dead but the bones do show up....so it is '
not quite' dead. :)
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlarge
The following '
used to' mean that the animation data has already been established as Curve Editor Ready Data. If not....the convert option is available to convert it. Now it is always greyed out.
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