I'm looking to get a few seats of iclone7/CC3/3DxPipeline as well ass some content packages like clothing and hair, etc. for a small team and have a few questions if someone could help me out.
1. Is there a purely offline activation method for all of the above applications? Our network cannot ever be connected to the internet, we usually get around this by transferring request/activation codes or phone activation
2. Licensing - I think I read the licensing for all applications is per seat, correct? Does that typically apply to all content as well, or is it common practice to buy content packs once for a team/project use?
3. Here's a cap of what I'm looking to purchase, any advice on reorganizing the purchase to save money or suggestions on what else I might want would be appreciated, I'm essentially making a military based game in unity and will need realistic characters with body only animations and in-engine IK (for instance, is there any reason for me to buy "
Character Creator 3 Pipeline" when CC3 comes with "
iClone 7"?

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!