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Astronaut Journey - Another game made with Iclone & Unity for Kinect, also with 3D anaglyph mode.

Posted By Nicke 7 Years Ago
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Astronaut Journey - Another game made with Iclone & Unity for Kinect,...

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 6 Years Ago
Posts: 21, Visits: 53
In this particular clip the game is played in 3D anaglyph mode, that is you need old fashioned 3D anaglyph glasses to view the effect. Used Iclone to test models in with lighting and create materials. Also Blender (great for adding richness to materials), sometimes involved 3DXchange which makes it easy to go back and forth between the softwares.
Astronaut Journey story - Your spacecraft has had an accident and you are alone in space, all alone, with nothing but your jetpack and a raygun. Mission is to try to get back to Earth. On your way you meet alien enemyships and asteroids. Try to avoid them by shooting or steering away. You can also land on planets, there you will walk in caves to get extra energy and power, but you need to be careful cause you can encounter alien monsters.
If you manage to get close enough to earth reentry phase starts, there you need to adjust course and at same time avoid space debree.
In standard mode you get some real exercise, there is also an easy, seated mode that is suitable if you like to be more relaxed or maybe have some physical disabilites or balance problems.
Wanted to make a game like this ever since Kinect came, being fascinated by space, the Apollo journeys, Alien movies, games like Space Invader, Descent and others.

Music composing, 3D Animations, Games

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