Posted 7 Years Ago
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Does anybody here know of Employers or Contacts who need people with iClone experience? I am currently looking for contract work or full-time employment as a 3D Generalist working with iClone, 3DS Max, or Maya. I am also experienced with Photoshop and Illustrator. I live in Sarasota, Florida, and can do remote work from home. Thank you. :)
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Is iClone used in commercial pipelines? I would like to know that. At a first glance, I would assume it isn't, but I don't know. I have worked as a 3D artist and programmer in the gaming industry, and I have never heard of iClone in that environment.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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1) I understood that iClone is used to create previsualization animatics during pre-production of films. Perhaps I could join the visual effects team as a Previz Artist. 2) I also thought that iClone and Character Creator were used to create characters and animations that were sent to Unity. These assets are then incorporated within video games. 3) iClone could also be used to produce cinematics within a video game to provide narrative and develop the story.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Because of massive layoffs and consolidation in the game industry, there is a current oversupply of highly talented game development coders and artists. Most film and television previz needs are handled by large studios.
These are both extremely hard networks to crack and the jobs are mostly obtained through personal connections. That said, you need a high quality portfolio. You would do well to start producing work on YouTube and picking up freelance work on fiverr. Most freelance graphic work isn’t going to be animation, however. But it is out there. Mostly you need to produce work that shows hiring professionals that you know how to tell a story. Iclone is certainly capable of being used for previz, but most of the time I would imagine it is actually being done with the same tools they use for final game production like Max, Maya, and Houdini.
In short, start producing work, start publishing work on YouTube, and don’t give up!
Good luck!
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Thank you so much for your post. I was feeling frustrated and discouraged because I have a passion for 3D CGI but can’t find employment in this field. I will follow your advice and I really appreciate your support.
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Also consider looking at your local community colleges. I notice that the one near me in rural South Carolina offers 3ds max and maya training now! Kids are so spoiled these days!
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Has anyone considered making advertisements for local, small-business owners who want some cheesy, low-budget TV ads?
I keep seeing ads that fit that description, especially ones that could be done with CrazyTalk Animator. A person would have a lot of creative possibilities with iClone too, but be sure to stay far away from the uncanny valley. In terms of production speed and profitability, I suspect CTA would be more attractive than iClone, but you never know.
iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity... Desktop (homebuilt) - Windows 10, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, GTX 1080 GPU (8GB), 32GB RAM, Asus X570 Pro motherboard, 2TB SSD, terabytes of disk space, dual monitors. Laptop - Windows 10, MSI GS63VR STEALTH-252, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 (6GB), 256GB SSD and 1TB HDD
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Yes, this is a great idea. Look online for ads you like and recreate them with iClone. Post them on YouTube Then make a LinkedIn account, and connect with every creative director in town.Go big. Be ridiculous. Ads like this are meant to be over the top, so emulate what you find that fits the bill.
And now for a recommendation that shames me for suggesting it. Watch some court tv shows and make reenactments of the crimes you see on them with iclone. Approach it from the lens of a forensic animator. Make a reel of things like this. Workplace accidents. Car accidents. Industrial accidents. Then hit every lawyer in town with flash drives to leave with the paralegals. Have a copy on your phone in case you get a few minutes with them. I have done more than my share of work like this and it is very widely used. Good money. But get the money up front. None of this "we'll pay you if we win." Tell them to think of you like a plumber -- they don't pay him if they win, they pay him no matter what. This kind of work can lead to working for criminal defense and prosecution cases which are very lucrative. I have worked on more than a dozen death penalty cases, and the work can be fascinating.
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My son is a police officer, Most major police departments simply shoot video of major crime scenes or use a portable 3D scanners to reconstruct the event for investigation. And I recently had a conversation with a marketing manager for a Majot personal injury law firm here in Manhattan. Those Cases settlle out of court 99.999 percent of the time because the defendants insurance companies simply pay as predictable cost of doing business, thus no need for fancy animations of people slipping and falling in stores etc. I know of one person who works for a company that does alot of visualization for the Medical Education industry. however they Use maxon C4D for particle and fluid effect in the body and dont have any need for people walking around driven by kitbashed motion clips(Ala Iclone) The only people making a decent living working with computers, are talented software coders/engineers.
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I've raised two kids working on a computer as a: large-format color graphics operator illustrator graphic designer photographer videographer 3d animator video editor sound production engineer website designer fiction author non-fiction author comic book artist drone pilot I taught myself all of those skills, and while I'm not rich, I have made decent money over the last 20 years. The key to this search, as in all things, is persistence, a teachable mind, adaptibility and a good attitude. Oh, and being willing to price your work low enough to sell it helps tremendously.