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Contour and Texture Alignment

Posted By Dan Miller 7 Years Ago
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Contour and Texture Alignment

Dan Miller
Dan Miller
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Months Ago
Posts: 374, Visits: 1.8K
I'm using Crazy Talk 8 Pipeline. I hit create, brought in two images, and started through the process. I am working in the Contour and Texture Alignment and the problem is when I make a change to the front facing image, it changes the side image as well.

More specifically I'm working with the face. As I raise the contour line to match the shape of the top of the head and then switch over to Side Fitting, the contour has raised way above my head. In the side fitting when I lower to contour line to match the top of the head, then switch back to Front Fitting, the contour line is way below the top of the head. I have spent a lot of time trying to fix this but just going in circles. 

When I did other areas like the mouth and eyes, I could switch between front and side fitting, make changes respectively, and it would not make unwanted changes. Meaning I could make a change on the side fitting and it would not change something on the front fitting. But with Face or All, different story and I'm getting absolutely nowhere.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Update: I kept going with it and some of the contour lines are completely in a different place than they should be. The head is mis-shaped on top but the face turned out very similar to the pictures. I don't know what caused this issue but I will see if it happens again when creating a new project at some point.

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