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Motion Layer animation Problems...

Posted By bexley 6 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 114, Visits: 370
I've been doing animation mainly through the Motion Layer and have a couple of problems I can't figure out:
1 - When I change from pose to pose, the position of the feet slide relative to the origin:
Why is this and how can I stop it?

And 2:
When I'm in Motion Layer, the axis for the body parts seems to be Global?  This makes it very difficult to animate if a character is aligned in some other position.

I've been looking at tutorials and other stuff and can't seem to figure this out (although I'm sure I've read about it some time in the last year or so).  Sorry if these are stupid questions, but are they solvable?  What amm I missing here?

Thanks in advance!

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 hours ago
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iClone sure does have a sliding feet problem. But  most of the time is does occur if you try to edit a motion clip or blend it with another.
God forbid to delete  legs or torso keys somewhere in the middle of the clip. Your character would be all over the place.

It also occurs if you make some unnatural torso movements and then try to edit it to rectify.
Take a look at this demo clip I made. Those  are 2 almost identical sitting down motions.
One creates sliding feet, and another almost sliding free.

So in the first sitting down motion there is quite unnatural body movement recorded first.
And even though I sort of rectified it by adding another key in the middle, it did not help at all.
But the second motion was created with sequence of 2 natural movements and the result is much better.

That brings us to your second problem. With no local bones transform, it is easy to make a mess with torso movement (which is a main cause of the sliding feet).
Sometimes you have to go around your character 360 degrees to even notice it. There is no solution to that. You may add your vote here:

But I sort of doubt it would ever be fixed. And this goes to sliding feet as well.

Those are my personal observations. Someone might add some more causes and solutions.

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 114, Visits: 370
WOW!  Thanks for this demo -- it wasn't until I saw your post that I realised how screwy this is: the IK and foot locking doesn't really work, does it?  I guess I'm missing something.
I repeated your demo and solved the problem: use Reach Targets (one for each foot):

It does seem to be a cumbersome solution, though.  Thanks for the reply -- it has helped!

Yes I added my name to the petition!


6 Years Ago by bexley
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Last Active: 3 hours ago
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Nope, foot pinning does not prevent sliding. Reach targets in IC6 or Reach Effectors in IC7 is the way to go. I am getting used to use it instead of struggling with feet movements. Another advantage is that they have a local move. A disadvantage is that it scattered on the timeline and need to be synchronized with the rest of the body movements, specifically if transition presets are used. And you cannot unlock it without moving a camera away from the character - feet would try to slide back to the origin. Got to improvise.

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Thanks for your help.  Makes a big difference.


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