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... purchased popVideo3 and guess what

Posted By sonic7 7 Years Ago
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... purchased popVideo3 and guess what

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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After using the trial version for barely a day - I went ahead and purchased popVideo3.
Truth is, I've been juggling a lot of things in my mind about the best way for my project to proceed (on a shoe-string budget).
I 'sorta know' where I need to get to, but It's been rather a nightmare deciding on which programs to use. I'll only 'get there' if I keep things very simple  :)
But my project has real *needs*
● Live action (for the closeups) keyed over 'sketchup sets' that are arranged and lit inside iClone.
● Avatar action (for the distant crowd shots), animated via mocap kinectV2 and then pop layered in.
● The possible need for 'depth layered' DOF creation, (if iClone DOF doesn't deliver).
● Keyed FX like atmospheric dust / smoke / light flare - 'layered in'.
● Linking (some) 'keyed action movements' to iclone sets by manually animating the 'popVideo' cell positions. (perhaps using rough 'reference markers' when video recording the actor).

At the outset, I'd ruled out 'compositing' - being I thought, too involved and protracted for my mind.
However I've come to see 'popVideo' compositing as an easier and more intuitive way - since it's achieved 'live' inside of iClone.
And guess what! - with the $84 popVideo (used in conjuction with iClone) - all of the above points, I believe, can be achieved (at least I 'imagine' so).
There's a long way to go yet - but I'm slowly inching my way forward....

Edit: Update,
Things have changed somewhat (as they do over time). As of this 'update', - even though I'd 'prefer' to achieve 'compositing type work' inside of iClone, I'm having to (temporarily at least), use another program so I can achieve a more satisfying 'Depth Of Field' effect.

Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :(  - yikes! ... 
MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram iClone-7.93  3DXChange Pipeline 7.81  CC-3 Pipeline 3.44  Live Face  HeadShot  Brekel Pro-Body  Popcorn FX  iRAY  Kinect V2  DaVinci Resolve17  Mixcraft 8.1

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