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Tutorial: Combatting Poke-Through (Done As A Star Wars Spoof Tutorial)

Posted By Lord Ashes 7 Years Ago
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Tutorial: Combatting Poke-Through (Done As A Star Wars Spoof Tutorial)...

Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
Posted 7 Years Ago
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The following is a tutorial for padawans (i.e. newbies) learning the ways to get around poke-through. Throw in a little Star Wars spoof humour and you get the following tutorial...  

Disclaimer: The techniques used in the video are all techniques that I, Lord Ashes, have used but I do not take any credit for originating them. They are techniques suggested by other that I have collected over my years of using iClone and while most users are probably familiar with them, so new users to iClone may not be.

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast

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