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Texture Streaming, Texture Packing & multi GPU support for increased performance and more loadable...

Posted By Ascensi 8 Years Ago
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Texture Streaming, Texture Packing & multi GPU support for increased...

Posted 8 Years Ago
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Texture Streaming, Texture Packing & multi GPU support for increased performance and more loadable content-also pre-optimizing game development!
I've been seeing and experiencing a trend of packed texture shaders and texture streaming mainly in Unity and seeings others jump on board. I'd like to load bigger projects with the ability to see everything without using placeholders.  If iClone is heading into the realm of photo-realism, realistic mocap/animation then the ability to load more content in the scene should also be improved. 

Personally I love using 8K scanned displacement textures but they are quite the load and slow the system down. Reallusion is almost there on getting to this next step of creative freedom. 
I think the existing methods of loading textures can stay but add 2-3 step optimization   "(1) pack textures" button to merge them into a packed texture will surely help. Then when you stage is setup the way you like press the "(2) Make global Splat" button.  The numbers show red when the scene is not optimized, after pressing the first it turns orange, press the next level, turns yellow, third/last green.  Buttons could all start off red and only when you click it it then shows green -just to show the scene has been optimized and to what extent.

Optimizing the scene could also translate to pre-optimizing games before they even get to a game engine but also help real-time playback performance in iClone as well. Press thumbs up if you agree -thanks!

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