I've tried the same with a photo for "stylized" characters to no avail. For animal characters I've used zbrush to custom sculpt a new morph. That's about the best advice I personally can give you. For me that's the easiest route. I racked my brains trying to get some other way. Others may have a simpler solution, for me zbrush is it though.
If you're not familiar with zbrush the best advice I can give you is give it some time... the interface is so counter intuitive at first I wanted to pull all my hair out. Then it becomes second nature. Kinda simple, in CC get as close as you can to the basic shape (body and head) using morphs, export the character, use a picture or sketch as an overlay (there are several programs that allow this on screen as does zbrush but it's a little tricky) then just scultp the figure you want without changing the amount of vertices. Save as a custom morph and you're done. Texturing will take an external program.
Or... you can explore the content marketplace for a chimp/monkey/gorilla. Then use that character as your starting point (along with the texture maps) and then create a custom morph in zbrush to your liking. The texture maps should be good enough for you. If you want to tweak them, photoshop is all it will take instead of 3D Coat if you were starting from scratch. Some people use gimp which is free as a photo editor as well. Best of luck!
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