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[FREEBIE] Colonel_Klink's Branks for iClone 6.xx

Posted By Colonel_Klink 7 Years Ago
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Posted 7 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 6 days ago
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.7K
To celebrate 5 months since having my last radiation treatment for throat cancer, I have decided to give the community, and particularly to those who are supporting my iClone character and prop making efforts with a FREEBIE.
Introducing "Branks", an iClone 6.xx character that has custom sculptured head with, bump and texture maps. Enjoy.

Get Branks here
(Please check back to see if store has been updated... Sorry for the inconvenience)

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Facebook Page: CWK3D Game and Film Content
Cancer Survivor - Retired Teacher - Geriatric Icloner still learning
Hardware: ZX80; Operating System- ZX80 Basic; CPU - ZX80 @ 3.25 MHz; Memory - 1KB; Hard Drive - N/A; Storage - Cassette; Monitor: Any old CRT TV

7 Years Ago by Colonel_Klink

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