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Motion capture bone mapping problem

Posted By Rich_Crystal 7 Years Ago
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Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 Years Ago
Posts: 3, Visits: 58
Hi everybody,

I'm importing some motion capture data (BVH) on to a Daz Genesis 3 rig in 3DXchange and I'm finding that the fingers of my character don't seem to be following the hands. Or to be more precise the tips of the fingers are not turning with the fingers. There is no finger animation in the motion capture track only body motion, so there's no motion track affecting the fingers. I have also checked the character's bone mapping in the characterization panel, the finger tips look fine but when I go back to the animated character the finger tips are still messed up.                                                                     

Just wondering if anybody has any insight on this problem and how I can fix it.

Thanks for the help =)

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