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CTA3 G3 TRex and Dragon by Garry Pye

Posted By garrypye 7 Years Ago
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Posted 7 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Month
Posts: 211, Visits: 1.0K

Hear the mighty roar of the G3 T-Rex and Dragon characters by Garry Pye for CTA3.2! These Free Bone characters have been designed to give the most flexibility possible, with a skeletal framework that allows them to bend and stretch with realistic movements. With a great range of facial expressions and their his own set of unique of motions which can be swapped between characters, including 10 unique custom motions and 2 unique perform motions for each character. Check out these great new characters now at 


Garry Pye
7 Years Ago by garrypye

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