Character Creator v2.3.2420.1 patch released on 2017-12-21
Compatible with iClone 7.2.
Fixed Bugs:
Deformities arising from the use of Ayaka hand morphs on CC 1.5 embed characters.
Character Creator v2.2.2314.1 Released 16th November 2017
Makes Character Creator compatible with iClone 7.1.
Character Creator v2.12.2104.1 Released on 19th September 2017
This update contains bug fixes:
Fixed: Character Creator 2 Crash When Export Character as iAvatar for iClone 6.
Character Creator v2.11.1918.1 Released on July 18th, 2017
Fixed: Character Creator UI window froze upon initialization, and showed no response to users' commands for several minutes under specific internet conditions. (This was because the Program would run internet checking procedures once the PC was online.)
Fixed: Failed to transfer Data between Character Creator, iClone, and CrazyTalk (RLHead) when changing the temp folder path: Preference > System > Temp Folder.
Fixed: PBR_V1_3MAT is missing the Spread slider under Paint Peel > Edge Peel > Peak
Fixed: Abrasion input channel does not show up when derived from Input for PBR_V1_5MAT and PBR_V1_7MAT
Fixed: Use Inputs is now the default setting for Mesh Data for RL materials [PBR_V1_3MAT, PBR_V1_5MAT, PBR_V1_7MAT
Fixed: Default values for Edge Peel > Peaks & Pits have been adjusted.
Click here to know how to update
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