Posted 8 Years Ago
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One thing I would really like to see is Onion skinning when it comes to motions on the timeline. I don't know if it's possible for motions that you've purchased, but it would be nice to have a mode where you can see the key frames in the view port so that you can get a good visual idea of how the motion's going to go. The thing I'm seeing is that when I'm animating, I have to cue the animation and look for mistakes and try to mark where they happen on the timeline and then go back, set a key frame, make an adjustment and go back play it again, and repeat.
It would be nice if you could highlight a motion and with a right click, onion skin the motion from start to finish at say, one second increments. You see a semitransparent representation of the mapped positions of the motion in the view port. Each semi-transparent image in the view port is a clickable object which you can use to edit the motion using the puppet controls to correct the position. This way you can do the whole motion at one time, and not have to step in and out of the timeline to keep viewing it. I would have it so that as long as you're in this mode, playing or replaying the motion starts and stops with the highlighted motion so you're not having to go back and forth on the timeline to try to get back to it once you click out of it.
This way you can stay focused on that one section until you're satisfied with it. It would also be a good think you could use to create motions to fill a space in the timeline. Let's say you have to motion clips on the time line with a gap between the two of them that you want to fill. You would highlight the trailing end of the first motion and the leading edge of the second motion, click Onion skin and you would get the ending position and the starting position of the clips as onion skin objects so you can step through the seconds between them to create a unique fill motion. 76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Onion skinning would be extremely helpful for animation.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Yes i vote for this any day of the week.. even if it was posted 3 years ago...
I have an onionsin tool in Blender and blocking out the animation with it gets so visual.. Being able to set any number of combinations how the onion-skins are visualized, how many should be drawn before / after each keyframe makes it so effortless to give an animation the mood directly when blocking it out. Taking the guesswork out of the equation
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Wow, there are so many options you could use this for. You cousin transfer the action poses from a. Story board into the software, match the story board poses and then work on in betweens. That’s just the tip of the iceberg!
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Posted 5 Years Ago
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hi all old fashion animation is made like this
you can use photoshop or an editor that supports flame by flame or cell by cell!
the easiest way is to make matchstick men (colour your man for left and right)
then import back into animator making sure it is placed into the background
now pick your character you wish to work with placing on top of the imported
resetting your opacity to an lower setting
now you should be able to move flame by flame!
from Alan
happy animations
Posted 5 Years Ago
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r78zj99 (11/19/2020) hi all old fashion animation is made like this
you can use photoshop or an editor that supports flame by flame or cell by cell!
the easiest way is to make matchstick men (colour your man for left and right)
then import back into animator making sure it is placed into the background
now pick your character you wish to work with placing on top of the imported
resetting your opacity to an lower setting
now you should be able to move flame by flame!
from Alan
happy animations
I think you have this post confused with something for Cartoon Animator 4. I'm not talking about 2D animation. I'm talking about 3D Onion Skinning which 2D images from Photoshop aren't much help. You can't rotate the view in order to see it from different angles which in 3 dimensions is essential. Modo's had the feature for a while now and Akeytsu has it natively and pretty much every other 3D animation software has some version of it available.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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hi will2power71
you are right, sorry about that got my post mixed up with applications
I was thinking old school way as 2d animation not 3d
sorry for the mistake
from Alan
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Actually you can simulate the 2D-onion-skinning feature in 3D: 1. Make a copy (Contr&Translate) of the character pose that you want in your onionskin 2. Animation>Remove Object Animation 3. XRay shading
Now, if you move forward for your next posing you still can see the last onion-skinned pose(s) in your scene. You can repeat this with as many poses on the line as you need and as your working memory allows. When not needed anymore you simple delete the XRayed-onion-skin-characters.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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ha, genius hack, never thought of this. Nice One ;)
Posted 3 Years Ago
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