I like to have a little fun with animation anddo maybe doing for in a year. Nothing fancy. Just basic body movingstuff. I am currently using Moho Debut 12. I create the bones and do therigging to make the body move over a timeline. MY PROBLEM is that thecharacters I use are from actual pictures. Since Moho will not import jpgs, I use another program to cut the individualparts from the jpeg, like the arms legs, hands etc ... then convert each ofthese body parts into png and import them into Moho studio as separate layersand then I can do the bone setup and rigging to move the body parts. Lot of work.
Crazy Talk looks as if I might be able to import the jpg and do this withouthaving to go to another program. Does it?
Also from the product comparison, it appears the less expensive standardedition does not do bone rigging, just face rigging. Unless I ammistaken, that would mean I can only move facial expressions but not the body. Can I rig the body to move?
If I download the free trial, which is the more expensiveversion, I won’t know what the inexpensive version does. It would be nice if I could just samplethe inexpensive version so I would know exactly what it does.