Posted 8 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 Years Ago
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I am able to export 2.0 CC characters into iClone 6.5. BUT, I have the Assassin Playset, and I cannot export any of the Playset's characters into iClone6
1) I can Export from CC2 using CC2 and iclone and iClone 7, but then I get a "failure to Load" error when importing into iClone 6 2) If I try to save the Playset Character to 1.5/iclone setting during export, I get "exporting error" in CC2.
I dont have a problem with normal CC2 characters, only the new Playset PBR characters...
All of my iclone is up to date. iClone 6, 3Dxchange, and CC 2.0. Any suggestions?