Hi all!
I was rendering a clip today and noticed that the final render exhibited ugly 'pixelation' and a change in texture appearance which was never there in the iclone preview (quality set on high)
After some testing it turned out that these distortions appeared in the render only when supersampling was enabled in the render options, with 3x3 creating worse effects than 2x2.
Also, the bump mapping seemed changed, as if the texture had shrunk.
You can see it on the pyramid sides, with the blocky pixelation most visible on the left wall. It is much more obvious when played back in a video.
I assume it has something to do with transparent / reflecting / refracting textures. The flickering artifacts simply ruin the render - any ideas how to stop this from happening?
Fine - Iclone view / supersampling turned off in render:
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlarge
Broken - Supersampling turned on, 3x3:
75% of original size (was 669x19) - Click to enlarge