There is yet another option that works pretty well, but ends up with a non-CC compatable character. The character will get all the proper facial/viseme morphs applied though.
Use an RL skeleton FBX, and add new bones to it with a third party application. I use Blender. You can then import the modified skeleton FBX character into 3DX. It will prompt you if you want to auto-convert it. If you say yes, it assigns all the standard morphs in the expression editor. If you say no, you'll have to do them manually. So it's a good idea to say yes!
The FBX is characterized at this point, but you still need to open the characterization, select all the extra bones, and set them as extend bones.
Using this method and the previous one I mentioned, you can create both the skeleton, and the body mesh (clothing layer) rigged to the skeleton, including extend bones. Your character will retain full facial capability.
I did put a request into the feedback tracker for extra bones to be set as extend bones when they are imported into CC through the FBX import for clothing. I think it would be a nice extra bit of flexibility.
7 Years Ago by