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Free introduction class to Iclone 4

Posted By stuckon3d 16 Years Ago
Rated 3 stars based on 3 votes.

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stuckon3d (11/4/2009)
Hello and welcome to my tutorial page, in here you will find very useful tutorials to get you started and more. Also, If you are interested in accelerating your learning curve in iclone i also have a bundle pack that covers modeling, texturing, lighting, and basic animation for $50. which also includes an extra introduction class scifi edition style as a bonus. That is 13.5 hours of training! Enjoy! :)

Free introduction to iclone 4 part 2 (texturing) from Stuckon3d on Vimeo.

Iclone4 Introduction from Stuckon3d on Vimeo.

Introduction to iclone 4 part3 (lighting) from Stuckon3d on Vimeo.

This was part one of the intro, part two will be coming soon. Enjoy! :)

Training exercise

Here is also the list of hotkey I use the most:

ATL + LMB = Pan
ALT + RMB = Orbit (object centric)
ALT + LMB and RMB = Zoom


Q = select mode
W = Move
Ctrl + w = Snap to grid
E = Rotate
CTRL + E = Angle Snap
R = Scale

Ctrl + P = open Preference panel

t = go to transform boxes
y = textures and materials area

F5 = preview camera
F6 = Camera01-15

F11 = full screen

I think this is pretty much it but if i did miss a few, just hover over the icon and it will

tell you the letter for the hot key.

Topic I will be covering in my classes are:

1) Intro to Iclone4 (Learn the XYZ's to navigate iclone like a pro) (FREE ALWAYS!)
2) Modeling in IC4 using primitives (it includes simple texturing techniques as well) and then for the second part of the class we will have Advanced modeling for creating custom props (using sketchup and 3d exchange)
3) Texturing in IC4 (learn what the different types of textures are for, what UVs are and how you can use them to your advantage).For the second part of the class we will talk about Advance texturing in IC4 (learn how to combine all the texturing types and shaders to create realistic materials for your scenes)
4) Lighting in IC4 (Learn how to light to tell your story). Second part of the class we will learn the Advanced Lighting (Learn how to combine IBL with HDRI and tone mapping to get the best lighting scenarios possible out of iclone)
5) Animation in IC4 (Learn keyframing and path animation to create fantastic flying logos and more!). Second part of the class we will talk about Advanced Animation ( learn to control your character using motion files and poses using the motion layer editor)
6) Effects in IC4 ( learn how to use particles, flex meshes, dynamic props, layering,etc)

Teaching method:
While anyone can become a master of all RL softwares/tools with enough practice, not everyone is classified as an artist because they mastered them. And that is what Iclone is, a tool, a tool to help you express your visions.
In my classes, im not just going to tell how to use the tools, but how you can apply it in an artist way to help you unleash your visions. I will also teach some basic principles, for example:

1) In modeling, i will teach you to push a model to its limit without making it heavy. I will show you what can be done texturally without having to model it.
2) In texturing, I will show you how different material behave in real life and show you how to recreate them in the Iclone world.
3) In lighting, I will teach the basic principles and them show you how to translate that with Iclone lights, IBL,HDRI, and tone mapping.

Well I think you get the point by now. I'm going to teach iclone from an artist point of view, because anyone can teach you that 2+2=4, but an artist can also show you how if you turn a four upsidedown you can use it as a chair in iclone. :P

So who Am I?
I'm a 3d artist with 20 years experience.
I have worked on two major TV series ("Star Trek : Voyager" and "Deep Space nine"). Also worked for Disney, Nickelodeon, and Electronic Arts as a senior artist and an Art Director. I've also done movie trailers and music videos, as well as worked on six animated feature films. So if you ask yourself, does this guy have any experience? Does he know what he is talking about? well what do you think. ;)

How does it work?
Just send me a private message letting me know which class you are interested in. :)

Who should get them?
Anyone who would like to learn Iclone's workflow for creating a shot.
Anyone that wants to learn to move around the GUI so that it does not get in the way of your creativity.
Anyone that would like to pick up some cool tips and tricks.

For the people out there that dont know if this class would benefit them or not, I will say this:

1) do not let the word introduction to iclone fool you. While the class is targeted at the beginner there are tips and trick even the pros can use.

2) Free does not mean barely useful information. In this class there is so much useful information about all the areas of iclone, that I really recommended that you write everything down. Yes, there is that much.

Still dont believe me? check out these quotes from people that took the class already:

"in some circles i am considered an iclone 'expert' but i gotta tell you i learned a lot from the this class - chris has an easy way of teaching that helps you retain the pointers - and lotsa pointers was shared"

"This class was really helpful - there are so many little shortcuts and functions I knew nothing about. Thanks so much and I highly recommend these classes."

"Highly recommend everyone to give at least the intro a look see. Lots of good advice and how to's for the investment of some of your time."

"Thanks a lot, This class was exactly what I needed to get started..."

"Good tips and definitely worth the time. Thanks"

"Great class. The use of hot keys is a big help. It was very nice that you repeated yourself on the importent spots.

This is how it should be done. Big Aplause. :D "

"I loved the intro class on iclone 4. Very well done and learned a lot of things. Shortcuts were specially helpfull. Thanks. I will probably sign up for your next classes...i believe it´s money well spent if you´re serious into learning this great tool. Congratulations Stuckon for your time and thanks for the extra half hour of teaching."

With recommendations like this, how can you go wrong? So dont be shy, even if you are an intermediate user, i can assure you will get something out of the class. I'm doing this for anyone that wants to get moving in iclone, even if you dont take any of the other classes, I really dont mind you joining, there is zero obligation or expectation of further commitment. I'm also doing this for the people that do want to further their skills by taking my other classes, because once they see me zipping around the GUI the might wander how im doing that. And that is another reason why im giving this class as well. ;)

Hope to hear from you soon,


PS: feedback is always welcomed.

Hi Stuckon3d,
Your mailbox for PM's is full so I am asking here. Do you still have the lesson package listed on the original post on this thread available for $50. Does it cover and apply to iClone 5? And how do I get it? :D
Posted 13 Years Ago
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I think your tutorials are some of the best I have seen. I am new to iClone and found your version 4 iClone tutorials very helpful. I think I will become a hotkey junkie too! ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Drewsworld (9/21/2011)
I was actually inquiring about a paid private class if you do anything like that. I have some specific questions and things that I need help on. Please understand that I am a TOTAL newb and am having a hard time with some pretty fundamental tasks, that I am pretty sure would be very common tasks. Either way I am extremely apreciative for the hard work you have put in with your free tutorials. Thanks Again.


Hi Drew

Like you, I still find iClone hard-going, after several years. I have the ideas & Storylines, but putting those into practice is another thing. Some folk take to 3D Animating naturally, others like me don't. You're not alone.

Stick with Stuckon3D's 3 (I think) Free Tutorials. Download them to your PC & have them Open at the same time as iClone & Switch Windows as you follow the Tutorials. A little (each day?) & often is better than infrequent long stretches at a time & repetition is the key for learning & remembering the basics.

iClone is a huge Program & you need to be selective as to what you want to achieve.

As well as going through the Tutorials, I think it's important to start & finish a very simple project of your own as quickly as possible & Post it for others to see. Then you've achieved something. Otherwise you'll give -up, like many others.

Eg; Animate one Character with one animation on a 2D Image background & Export that to your desired format.

Many start with a music Project.

Post any questions, however simple & basic they are.

Good luck:)



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Stuckon3d's tuts are awesome. That's for sure. I would really recommend getting his tuts for iClone 4. They are absolutely worth the money.
Especially he has great tipps in how controlling iClone in a pretty fast and smart way. I would really recommend them, they will save you lots of time and trouble.

I don't know how the V5 tuts will be, but you should really get the V4 tuts anyway. I could imagine the new tuts are more about the physics features, so take the actuall tuts as a great basic. I could imagine lots of your questions will be answered :-)

Danke für Flex - Haare und Kleidung, die nicht durch den Avatar gehen !

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I was actually inquiring about a paid private class if you do anything like that. I have some specific questions and things that I need help on. Please understand that I am a TOTAL newb and am having a hard time with some pretty fundamental tasks, that I am pretty sure would be very common tasks. Either way I am extremely apreciative for the hard work you have put in with your free tutorials. Thanks Again.


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Drewsworld (9/21/2011)
Hey I just watched the first video last night until 2 am here...Wow your a great teacher !!!

I will be going back through this thread to find more, but was wondering what the status of your classes are now and would also be interested in some private tutoring if you do that sort of thing...Thanks so much for taking the time to do this....


Thank you Sal and Drew. Comments like these really makes the effort worth it. :D As far as IC5 , im working on the bundle as well as a free live class intro to iclone 5 new features and some in-depth payed classes as well for those that wish to ask questions live via gotomeeting. I will post more on this soon on a new thread.



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Hey I just watched the first video last night until 2 am here...Wow your a great teacher !!!

I will be going back through this thread to find more, but was wondering what the status of your classes are now and would also be interested in some private tutoring if you do that sort of thing...Thanks so much for taking the time to do this....


sal of salmar productions
sal of salmar productions
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I just recently reviewed the Iclone Introduction Part one and will be going on to the others - I am extremely impressed and would be interested in future tutorials whether they would be free or not....really great job - Thank-you soooooooo.much. Stuckon3d got me stuckon3d.

Thanks for taking the time...
:)sal :)

(English is my second language - Gibberish is my first)
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Posted 14 Years Ago
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knutskyliner (9/6/2011)
Hi stuckon3d,
this is the most impressive RL-Forum Thread, I've ever read. (Never read a whole one with over 20 Pages :-)).
This gave and gives me so much inspiration, wow!
The Underwater-Scene made a big question-mark in my brain...
Tested the specular-map-trick. <- Works fabulous, thx! Done it on an avatar with Tattoos, looks cool.

Thank you for your comments, they are very appreciated. :)
I'm currently working on IC5 video tutorial bundle. And let me tell you, there are a ton of new things to learn and play with. People are going to have so much fun just playing, that they are going to forget to make their movies. ;)



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Posted 14 Years Ago
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Hi stuckon3d,
this is the most impressive RL-Forum Thread, I've ever read. (Never read a whole one with over 20 Pages :-)).
This gave and gives me so much inspiration, wow!
The Underwater-Scene made a big question-mark in my brain...
Tested the specular-map-trick. <- Works fabulous, thx! Done it on an avatar with Tattoos, looks cool.


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