Oh, For the LOVE OF <Insert Deity Here> please, Please, PLEASE will you change the interface so you can at the very LEAST drag out the left and right hand panes so you can see all of the information.
I mean, really, have none of you TRIED your own software? Have you ever worked your way down a scene tree? I dread loading any character into that software knowing that I'm about to have to face fiddling around with the left/right scrollbar.
Normally I'm one for calm and eagerness in my posts (I think) but this is one lack of feature that REALLY p*sses me off, I mean I want to just give up and walk away.
And, secondly, I know that Alembic export has just made it into iClone, but d*mn you need to get that into 3DXchange, get it working so it works with OTHER programs, put some instructions and tooltips in, and allow batch exports like FBX animations (which I love).
And now, if someone tells me I've always been able to move those side panes by pressing something simple I'm going to chuck my spare monitor out of the window....onto lots of pillows and a mattress...it's not a cheap monitor....it's the WINDOW that's cheap!
/end rant