Hi I am doing a little project and i have a guy opening a door walking through the door over to a table and putting a book down on the table that he his carrying.
Pretty simple wouldnt you think? Not for me im afraid. firstly i had problems with the hands jumping back to the T pose position just before it got to the walk motion but after a few hours i sort of solved that. but now i am using a walk motion the hands come away from the book as it would if it wasnt carrying anything and for the love of mike i cant get it to keep the hands in place on the book. I have had this problem before and Rampa said just delete the animaton from the arms in the motion clip and it doesnt work.....mmmm so i have tried several different ways of putting the walk motion in (using mix moves, perform etc) and the problem still persists.
Im not sure if its a technical issue or me just being a total plonker, but after two days of trying i have finally resolved myself to asking for help.
Please can anyone help