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Is there a reallusion api?

Posted By dourvas 8 Years Ago
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Posted 8 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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I was wandering if there is a reallusion api.
Let me be more specific what i would like to succeed.
I would like to create a service which the potential users would use some tamplates (made by iclone or/and crazytalk animator) and would have the rights to insert content for example images or text to specific places inside the tamplates. Maybe sound files too.

Is this possible?
Posted 8 Years Ago
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At the moment there is no API available. It has been mentioned that one may be available for iClone 7 expected to be released early next year.

At the moment anyone owning the software can insert their own assets as required without any problems.


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Posted 7 Years Ago
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The marketing for iClone 7 says APIs - asserting that more than one

Application Programming Interface as well as Python scripting (which surprised me - I was expecting Lua.)
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7 Years Ago by SeanMac

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