Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi All, I am creating a motion using 3d and 2d motion key like hug, kiss, hold in 2 actors, where a body part of 1 actor should be on upper layer of other actor. Consider an example of hug where an actor one hand should be on top the other actor body layer while other hand below. It only about sprite Z axis movement but in crazytalk complete body/actor will be on top of other actor. I know if actor is 3d it is possible and CTA2 is 2d animation, Any way to achieve this by moving body sprite on z axis at specific position.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I don't believe so, all layering is self contained within a character, and doesn't necessarily use the Z Axis like props on the stage would. If I were doing this in a different package, I would break the character up into two separate parts so I could do such fancy layering, but CTA3 doesn't really allow for that. You could use the new boning tools to give it a try, but it would make animating the character in other scenarios a lot more... er... challenging.
The thing about animation is there are all sorts of work-a-rounds for these types of scenarios, but CTA doesn't really allow for it because a character is a whole entity, and breaking them up into pieces like that while remaining animatible is more challenging because it doesn't follow traditional 2d animation norms. It can be done, but it's take quite a bit of work and effort.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I thought other also searching for same type of motion. Like hug and kiss are new trendy and most viewed emotions. If there is an video or link or other way pls share if possible.