The Loner - Short Scifi
This is a full release of a short scifi story named The Loner. It is about a space miner that confronts his solitude while mining at a remote galaxy with the help of a robot.
I was influenced by Isaac Asimov's robot short stories and by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is my first Iclone movie and I am thrilled that there is a piece of software that makes making a movie like this possible.
A while back I came across an incredible piece of software called Space Engine ( which is a virtual simulator (like a Planetarium) of the whole observable Universe. For those interested in creating scifi with Iclone, I highly recommend it. This simulator makes it possible to travel through the Universe and Observe the 200 billion galaxies with their planets, black holes, nebulas, stars, etc.. If you ever wonder how large the Universe is, I recommend you download the simulator and find out. It is free and still in beta. The whole code was written singlehandedly by a Russian programmer. I also used Vue 2015 to create a link between Iclone and the Spaceshots I had.
The movie is 25 minutes long.
Special thanks to 3DTest for creating a CC avatar that is better for animation as well as all the animation templates created by him. Sesrch youtube for 3DTest Iclone for more information
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