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motion puppet, base motion

Posted By robertacton3 8 Years Ago
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Posted 8 Years Ago
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clone 6.51 my motion box has nothing to work with all the files have gone, sinc i reverted back to 6.51 becase of the problems we.v got with the time line. can any bodey please help
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Check this path to see if the files are actually there. The program may just having a pointer issue or something.
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\iClone 6 Template\iClone Template\Preset\Base Motion

You should four folders in the base motion folder. They will contain the actual motions used in the motion puppet. Each one should also have an ini file with the same name.

RE-installing iClone usually does not effect the data files. When you get it all sorted out, it's not a bad idea to back up your template folder to an external drive. Then you can replace stuff when you need to.
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Posted 8 Years Ago
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every thing now shows in my time line but i have to past and copy to adjust everthing, dothing will slide as it should please help thank you.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Oops! From your description I thought the files in the Motion Puppet box were not showing up. Sounds like a timeline issue from your last post. 6.53 should be released soon to fix it.

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