TimV (9/19/2016)
I created my animation in simple steps in the timeline. I have saved it via Add Motion to Timeline.
I want to change the speed by extending the timeline to make the animation take longer to play in full.
I was able to extend it to perhaps twice its original length and then I hit a hard stop. (maybe 55 or so frames out to 125 frames total). When I try to extend it further, it adds a copy of itself to the end of the original track.
I don't understand why it would do that.
Version is iClone6 Pro 6.51.3127.1
Please advise
Collect your motion parts in the order you want them to be displayed when played out. Once saved as a collected motion, then you can remove all motion applied to the Avatar and replace it with the "Collected" motion.
The collected Motion can be lengthened by using the speed option and pulling the right-side out until you have the time wanted. If it still isn't long enough, find a neutral position where the motion can have a "Break" applied.
Break the motion and you will then have two separate parts that will still follow the same pattern as your original motion, but can be lengthened again as two separate parts. Stretch both or just one part as needed, then blend them back together. Make sure you move the second half over to the right before extending the first half, this will show you just how far each component portion can be stretched. A lot further than you might think. I can stretch out a 1000 frame motion to more than 24000 frames just by using the break and speed options.
You can do the "Break" option as often as you want to continually adjust the length or speed to make that motion set you originally made stretch or shrink to fit your project's needs.
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