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Bones not aligning with morph...

Posted By Mythcons 8 Years Ago
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Hey there,

I finally figured out the morphing system. Apparently, in order to import a morph successfully, you HAVE to save the data within the OBJ almost exactly as you exported it. That includes the polygroups. You can move the vertices, but if you flip the UVs or in any way change the polygroups, the import will crash 100% of the time. It only took me about 10 hours to figure this out. Sad

That said, I'm now experiencing a new issue. The bones within my morphs do not align properly. In fact, they do not move at all from their original (base) positions. Observe the following images:
8 Years Ago by peter.e.alexander
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Gah, I posted in the wrong forum. Please move to iClone Character Creator.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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When dealing with morphs  - Base Mesh and Morph Targets.... I CHANGE only (1) Thing....
" The morph targets (Vertex Position)."
Everything else remains exactly the same.

Doing ONLY this.... I NEVER have problems importing morphs to iClone.

That's what I'm doing.
8 Years Ago by peter.e.alexander
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you cant alter the height that much and need to keep things sort of logical so if you intended for him to be that tall you needed that height inside the CC to be that.     Make him shorter and they will align also I found the hands to be fiddly but they may have fixed that.    You can alter length of things within the bounds of the existing skeleton so you might want to export an equivalent height skeleton to do your morphing.  

If you want to get that dramatic I think a full fbx export would work better because the skeleton wont scale to adapt inside the exchange because your just altering the mesh not the skeleton.   ( i have no clue yet if this is even possible to change a character that much in fbx outside the CC and have it work ...) 

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8 Years Ago by urbanlamb
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urbanlamb (7/21/2016)
you cant alter the height that much and need to keep things sort of logical so if you intended for him to be that tall you needed that height inside the CC to be that.     Make him shorter and they will align also I found the hands to be fiddly but they may have fixed that.    You can alter length of things within the bounds of the existing skeleton so you might want to export an equivalent height skeleton to do your morphing.  

If you want to get that dramatic I think a full fbx export would work better because the skeleton wont scale to adapt inside the exchange because your just altering the mesh not the skeleton.   ( i have no clue yet if this is even possible to change a character that much in fbx outside the CC and have it work ...) 

Thanks for the reply. I'm disappointed that CC cannot accommodate size changes, because Daz3D, Poser, and Adobe Fuse can. It's not that difficult to adopt into the software.

I will try editing the FBX and reimporting the model to see if I can come up with a decent work flow. Thanks again.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I am pretty sure it wont work if you adjust the skeleton and import the fbx file into the CC (not the exchange) but since you were using replace mesh and that is literally all your doing is replacing the mesh everything else is unchanged instinctively I would think one would need to adapt the skeleton, but as I said I dont think these changes will carry over and that for changes which require the skeleton to change to accomodate you are confined to making those changes inside the CC using their paramaters and exporting that information and using it as a guide.

Its worth a shot though Smile 

unless you want to bypass the CC altogether you can change him into a non standard character and use him that way, but he will be forever incompatible with the CC afterwards.   Again though you would need to adjust the skeleton externally if you take that approach. 

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8 Years Ago by urbanlamb
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I did what you suggested and aligned the base character (from within CC) with some of my adjustments, re-sculpted, then re-imported. I'm pleased with the results, but content creators really need an automatic bone adjustment option.

BTW, thanks for the tip. Smile
Posted 8 Years Ago
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oh your welcome glad you got something that looks acceptable because its better that they be compatible with the CC.

I dont mind how it works as long as it works I am fine with whatever method of doing things they have decided upon.    

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