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Before I explain my problem, this is what I have :
- IClone 6 (Standard Edition) - 3DXchange 6 (trial version) - I have absolutely nothing other
I would buy this :
You have noticed that it is for the DAZ software? But he writes that he is absolutely the "toon generation base" in order to make it work (for DAZ always so) :
If I have DAZ or Poser, it would be easy, I'll buy the "toon generation base" and the little soldiers but I have iClone, shame...
My question is the following : Can we run all this with iClone 6 ? If yes, how?
(Compared with DAZ soldiers, I wish to buy, the clothes, accessories and poses, my question is therefore for all).
Thank you for your help because I despair
Posted 9 Years Ago
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The easiest way is to buy characters+clothes on daz. Build your character in Daz then export in fbx format (with clothes). Import in Iclone to animate. Today whithout 3dsmax or Maya etc... you can't import clothes to fit and move on characters. The next Character Creator release will be able to.
My 2 cents
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Great, thanks a lot ! So I have bought the toon base pack and costumes. I assembled all in DAZ and I import this .fbx file in 3DXchange tomorrow. I hope not too much hassle.
I'll be bring news later.
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So I followed this tutorial to properly export my character from DAZ :
Following this step, I have already done some problems disappear :) For cons, I do not understand where do the problems on my two screenshots :
79% of original size (was 637x358) - Click to enlarge 79% of original size (was 637x358) - Click to enlarge
Does anyone know and can help me solve these problems?
Thank you very much !
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I think you're talking about Hat, isn't it? Props that not have to be deform by the body would be exported appart. Then import in iclone and attach to the head. So you'll be able to take off in animation. Clothes and choes witch have to be deform following the body have to be exported as you did. Hope this help.
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Yes your help is more than respectable !
I removed the hat as you have suggested so no problem on that side.
But... I run against new problems :
- Hands fit one into the other - In DAZ when I export the character, the feet touch the ground properly but not in 3DXchange - During some animations, the character deforms as a cheewing gum. - I had not thought of but all the facial animations that are normally the character in DAZ are lost.
I wonder if I 'm throwing me in there
EDIT : rather than words...
Posted 9 Years Ago
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For the lost facial morp and the floor I suggest to see this tutorial from Iclone, I think at 3:30 it's how to set facial morph.
The vertices wich are not moving it's because the bones asigned to them are not selected in the Characterisation profil. Choose "custom" and assigne all the bones because there may are extra bone than the Maya profil.
(in french) Pour les personnages qui ont des faciales morph ne venant pas de Iclone il faut les reassigner dans l'expression pannel. Ca peut paraitre fastidieux au depart mais tu peux sauvegarder les settings pour les appliquersur tes autres perso cartoon et surtout de creer tes propres expressions pour chaque personnages. Pour ce qui de l'effet chewingum , il y a un ou des bones qui n'ont pas ete selectionne dans le profil Maya. Faut choisir custom et cliquer un par un les bones pour etre sur de ne pas en oublier.Enfin le fait que les membres s'entrecroisent , c'est du au fait que cesont des mocap generiques calibre sur un humain avec les proportions associes. Ton personnage n'a pas les memes proportions donc cela s'ajuste dans Iclone avec le "motion layer". Au pire tu peux m'envoyer un de tes perso pour que je regarde.
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Thanks for the translation ;) I better understand the principle, it must export the facial animations "separately".
We must add animations in the timeline but by cons, I do not understand how he does (technically I mean). I have not Maya but it's the same kind of procedure under DAZ I think.
I found this tutorial also describes much the same thing but it's like I do not understand how it adds each animation to the timeline.
The video is here :
Many thanks for your patience and your help !