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EarthSculptor to iClone pipeline

Posted By RobertoColombo 9 Years Ago
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EarthSculptor to iClone pipeline

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hello RL Community,

I duplicate here a post inserted in IC5 Forum, as it can be interesting for IC6 as well: a terrain can be built in IC5, saved, and then imported in IC6.

NOTE: in IC6 the key-combination SHIFT+ALT+J does nothing, so the whole process does not really works.
SHIFT+ALT+E opens a dialog box asking for a .ini file, but the .ini file working in IC5 will cause IC6 to crash...

So, said the important premise that the next steps are for IC5, but the created terrain can obviously be saved and imported in IC6, I jotted down all the steps I did to create a terrain, with additional comments and the outcome is hereafter.
Hope it will be useful for the community.


EarthSculptor  to iClone Pipeline

Prepared by Roberto Colombo


1.       Prepare a heightmap with a photoeditor (e.,g. GIMP)

2.       Save with one of the following formats(GIMP settings are listed below each format):


a)      TGA

RLE compression =disabled

Origin = Bottom left


b)      PNG

Interlacing (Adam7) =disabled (EarthSculptor does not read the map is this setting is enabled)

Save background color =enabled

Save gamma = disabled

Save layer offset =disabled

Save resolution =enabled

Save creation time =enabled

Save color values fromtransparent pixels = enabled

Compression level = 0


Earth Sculptur

Terrain creation

1.       Create a new terrain with thesesettings

Map size = 513x513 (it seems that other values are not accepted whenimported in iClone)

Colormap = can be adjusted to the desired level, recommended 4096x4096

Detailmap  = can be adjusted tothe desired level, recommended 4096x4096

Lightmap = don’t care (not used by iClone)

Texture Splitting = none

Detail Texture = 4 (iClone handles only 4 textures)

Color Lightmap = no


2.       Set the Terrain window options asthe following

LOD = disable

Height = user choice!

Wireframe = don’t care

Grid = don’t care

Color = don’t care (not used by iClone)

Detail = enabled

Lighting = don’t care (not used by iClone)

Color Mode = add minus half

Fog = disabled

Underground = disabled


3.       Menu Import -> Heightmap image

Load the heightmap


4.       Modify the map in EarthSculptor asneeded using the Terraform window tools

Terrain painting

1.       The terrain in iclone will have 4paint layers, each one containing three channels:


a)      The Diffuse texture, which isgenerated by the Detail maps of EarthSculptor

b)      The Detail channel, which can be anytexture

c)       The Bump channel, which can also beany bump texture

EarthSculptor has 2 painting methods:


a)      The Detail window tools

b)      The Color window tools

The Detail window tool is used to generate the 4 textures which will beassigned, in iClone, to the Diffuse channel maps of each terrain paint layers.
These textures are used to paint the main parts of the terrain.

The Color window tools can be used to generate the 4 additional textures thatcan be assigned to the 4 Detail channel maps in iClone.
These textures can be used to draw details and variations.

iClone will  not automatically importwhat is painted with the Color window tools!
Even though variations are painted in EarthSculptor, iClone imports only the 4textures assigned in the Detail window.
Therefore, it is advisable to draw the variation first, export them as separatetextures with the menu option Export->Terrain Textures, and later importthem in iClone as Detail textures as Detail channel maps.

The process is cumbersome and kind of reversed, but if the Detail windowtextures are assigned first in EarthSculptor, then the Color window textureswill be distorted by the color of the Detail window textures. Whereas we wantto leave them clean and add them as they are in iClone.


2.       Start the terrain painting process,using the Detail window tools
Up to 4 textures can be used to paint the terrain


3.       Menu File -> Save
Save the work in EarthSculptor.
By saving the file, EarthSculptor creates some .png files.
The file named xxxx_d.png (xxx = name of the file just saved) is the one thatwill be used for iClone


4.       Menu Export -> Obj Export
Export into .obj format with the following settings:

Center at origin = enabled
Normals = disabled
UVs = disabled

Optimized Mesh = disabled
Water = disabled



1.       Create a file, with .ini extension,with the following text



file = "Terrain.obj"                               

cell_unit = 100

height_scale = 50.0

offset_x = -12800.0                    

offset_y = -12800.0                    

offset_z = 0                               



file = "Terrain_d.png"



count = 4



diffuse_r = 1.0

diffuse_g = 1.0

diffuse_b = 1.0

specular_r = 0.0

specular_g = 0.0

specular_b = 0.0

ambient_r = 1.5

ambient_g = 1.5

ambient_b = 1.5

shininess = 0.5

shineStrength = 1.0


decal_uv_tile_x = 24.0

decal_uv_tile_y = 24.0

decal_uv_tile_z = 24.0

decal_uv_offset_x = 0.0

decal_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_uv_rotate = 0


detail_uv_tile_x =60.6842

detail_uv_tile_y =60.6842

detail_uv_offset_x = 0.0

detail_uv_offset_y = 0.0

detail_uv_rotate = 0


bump_uv_tile_x = 10.0

bump_uv_tile_y = 10.0

bump_uv_tile_z = 10.0

bump_uv_offset_x = 0.0

bump_uv_offset_y = 0.0


is_normal_bump = false

bump_map_weight = 0.5


decal_map = "Texture0.png"





diffuse_r = 1.0

diffuse_g = 1.0

diffuse_b = 1.0


specular_r = 0.0

specular_g = 0.0

specular_b = 1.0     ;; you can see blue specular on brown sand


ambient_r = 1.5

ambient_g = 1.5

ambient_b = 1.5


shininess = 0.5

shineStrength = 1.0


decal_uv_tile_x = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_y = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_z = 12.0

decal_uv_offset_x = 0.0

decal_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_uv_rotate = 0

detail_uv_tile_x =15.6842

detail_uv_tile_y =15.6842

detail_uv_offset_x = 0.0

detail_uv_offset_y = 0.0

detail_uv_rotate = 0

bump_uv_tile_x = 1.0

bump_uv_tile_y = 1.0

bump_uv_tile_z = 1.0

bump_uv_offset_x = 0.0

bump_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_map = "Texture1.png"






diffuse_r = 1.0

diffuse_g = 1.0

diffuse_b = 1.0

specular_r = 0.0

specular_g = 0.0

specular_b = 0.0

ambient_r = 1.5

ambient_g = 1.5

ambient_b = 1.5

shininess = 0.5

shineStrength = 1.0

decal_uv_tile_x = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_y = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_z = 24.0

decal_uv_offset_x = 0.0

decal_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_uv_rotate = 0

detail_uv_tile_x =15.6842

detail_uv_tile_y =15.6842

detail_uv_offset_x = 0.0

detail_uv_offset_y = 0.0

detail_uv_rotate = 0

bump_uv_tile_x = 3.0

bump_uv_tile_y = 3.0

bump_uv_tile_z = 3.0

bump_uv_offset_x = 0.0

bump_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_map = "Texture2.png"





diffuse_r = 1.0

diffuse_g = 1.0

diffuse_b = 1.0

specular_r = 0.0

specular_g = 0.0

specular_b = 0.0

ambient_r = 1.5

ambient_g = 1.5

ambient_b = 1.5

shininess = 0.5

shineStrength = 1.0

decal_uv_tile_x = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_y = 12.0

decal_uv_tile_z = 12.0

decal_uv_offset_x = 0.0

decal_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_uv_rotate = 0

detail_uv_tile_x =15.6842

detail_uv_tile_y =15.6842

detail_uv_offset_x = 0.0

detail_uv_offset_y = 0.0

detail_uv_rotate = 0

bump_uv_tile_x = 1.0

bump_uv_tile_y = 1.0

bump_uv_tile_z = 3.0

bump_uv_offset_x = 0.0

bump_uv_offset_y = 0.0

decal_map = "Texture3.png"




2.       Note the .ini structure:


a.       [Heightmap] => a kind of header,where some global information are specified

b.      [Maskmap] => used to define whichfile define the mask map, which is used to assign the materials to differentpart of the terrain

c.       [Material] => used to specify howmany materials we have.
I tried with 8 (as EarthSculptor allows to create up to 8 Detail textures) butiClone simply ignore them and defaults to 4

d.      [Material#] => a set ofinformation to define a material, replicated 4 times

3.       Note also the map naming convention


a.       Earth Sculptor Detail texture => Decal_mapin the .ini file => iClone Diffuse map

b.      Earth Sculptor Painting texture=> (can be optionally assigned to) Detail_map in the .ini file => iCloneDetail map

c.       Any Bump texture => (can beoptionally assigned to) Bump_map in the .ini file => iClone Bump map

4.       In order to be able to import theterrain in iClone, few simple modifications shall be done to the .ini file


5.       The text marked in BOLD RED shall be mandatorily changed.
You need to specify:

a.       The exact file name of the .obj filecreated with EarthSculptor

b.      The exact name of the file xxx_d.pngcreated by EarthSculptor (this file is created when you save a project inEarthSculptor)

c.       The exact file names of the Texturesused in EarthSculptor in the Detail tool window.
Respect the same order!

6.       Note the additional maps with thevalue marked in BOLD BLUE.
These maps represents the iClone Bump map and Detail map.


7.       If a Bump or Detail map is notneeded for a certain material, just remove in the .ini the text line referringto it.

8.       As a summary, hereafter are the files needed by iClone.
Note: in this example, the name of the EarthSculptor project is “Terrain”, andthat the detail textures are called Texture0, Texture1, Texture2, and Texture3.Obviously any other name will fit.

a.       Terrain.ini

b.      Terrain.obj

c.       Terrain_d.png

d.      Texture0.png, Texture1.png, Texture2.png,Texture3.png

e.      [Optional] Bump0.jpg, Bump1.jpg,Bump2.jpg, Bump3.jpg

f.       [Optional]Detail 0.jpg, Detail 1.jpg, Detail 2.jpg, Detail3.jpg

My recommendation is to keep everything in thesame directory!

9.       Open iClone and press SHIFT+ALT+J

10.   Load the “.ini” file

11.   You should now see your terrain in iClone, which should have 4 materials.




My PC:
OS: Windows 10 Pro English 64-bit / CPU: Intel i7-9700 3.6GHz / MB: ASUS ROG Strix Z390  RAM: 32GB DDR4 2.6GHz / HD: 2TB+3TB  /  
SSD: 2x512GB Samsung 860 EVO + 1x2TB Samsung
VB: Palit GTX2080 TI GamingPro 11GB / AB: embedded in the MB and VB (audio from the MOTU M4 I/F) / DirectX: 12

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Hi Roberto,
I followed the example above, but when I press "CTRL+ALT+J" to load the .ini file in iClone, nothing happens. Since this topic (and ES) are several years old, maybe RL changed their process?  Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

Reallusion Certified Director / Reallusion Best Visual Award / Reallusion Certified Content Developer
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Posted 6 Years Ago
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Made this tutorial a couple days ago.

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