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PHOTO FITTING: Problems with eyelid mapping - don't close entirely when blinking - and other issues

Posted By justaviking 8 Years Ago
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PHOTO FITTING: Problems with eyelid mapping - don't close entirely...

Posted 8 Years Ago
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This problem is currently being discussed at great length  in this thread:

> It is easy to make eyes that DON'T CLOSE properly when blinking
> The "solution" to not closing all the way is to LOWER THE POINTS for the UPPER LID
> But that results in part of the iris (and white) appearing on the eyelid

It looks as if the eyelids close a predetermined distance, rather that whatever amount is required for made the lids meet when closed.

> The "top curve" and the "bottom curve" need to define the morph required to close the eyes, no matter how apart the two curves are when you map the face.

I will include a couple sample pictures here for your convenience, but you can refer to the thread I referenced for additional examples and a much longer discussion.

Here you can see the curves properly trace the eyelids...

Here are the eyes closed (as far as they would) using the mapping in the first picture...

"Wrongly" lowering the mapping curve like this...

Resulted in eyelids that closed (yay), but had lots of blue pupil and white from the eyelid appearing on the eyelid (boo)...

My solution was to "cheat" by using the "too low" mapping points on the upper lid, and then manually editing the texture map in an image editing software (GIMP), and here you can see one eye fixed and the other left as CrazyTalk created it...

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please excuse my rude totally out of context interruption,  but I simply need to wish my brudda swoop a happy new year.  Happy New Year bro,  may 2016 bring you much happiness, health and Prosperity! ☃


"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

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Condensed quote:
sw00000p (1/2/2016)

NOW... You can place the CT8 Curve and Points... EXACTLY where they are supposed to be!


OPENNING both eye yields "Horrible" results.
Simply open the (Supposedly Fixed) eyes and post a screen-shot.


If your using CT8 correctly and this is occurring....
BigDaddy RL MUST Fix this! w00t

As shown in my first picture, the "mapping points" provided by Reallusion are in the correct position.

It has been confirmed by myself and others (special nod to Rampa) that for some eyes there is no problem, but for "larger" or more "wider open" eyes, where you need the top-lid and bottom-lid points farther away from each other, the eyes do not close all the way when the avatar blinks.

Conclusion: This should be improved (a.k.a. "fixed") in the product.

That's why, after considerable discussion, I posted this in the "Technical Issues" area.

Also, the "fixed" eye looks fine when opened, I just didn't bother posting a picture of that since it didn't add to the point I was making.  I'm not saying it's award-winning results, but it's not horrible.  I'm still practicing the basics of my new toy, so I'm not spending a lot of time on refinement yet, I'm just determining when bad results are due to my misuse of the tool, and when it's due to a flaw or limitation in the tool.  Later I can spend time going from good to better, knowing I'm not overlooking an easier method.  I'm attaching a picture, eyes opened, with the one side fixed and the other not.  Her left eye (our right) looks reasonable.  The other one still has "iris and white" on the upper eyelid - eeew.

I understand the principles and concepts of morphing and texturing and UV maps, even if I get sloppy with the terminology from time-to-time.  I realize others may not, especially in the CrazyTalk arena (no offense to CT users, it's just a different "space" so it may be new concepts to even more people here than in the iClone parts of the forum).  Great pictures and explanations, so "thanks."  Smile

Picture of the "fixed" eye, opened...

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8 Years Ago by justaviking
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Stay tuned for future posts on this topic.

I'm not making any claims of UV and texture alchemy.  All I'm saying (in this thread) is that if you accurately trace the eyelids in the photograph, the lids should still close completely when the avatar blinks.

Issues with "stretching" the diffuse map and making horrible "smeared and streaked" closed eyelids has been briefly mentioned already (by me) but I wanted to save that for its own topic.
>>> See the bottom picture in the very FIRST post here... eeew... that's not "my" work, and it's not a result of my not understanding UV maps, diffuse maps, or morphs.  That's the result of the way CrazyTalk photo-to-face mapping works.
>>> Like I said, stay tuned for future posts on this topic.
I mentioned it in that post, but my focus was on the failure to close properly.   I also included a picture of the "open version of the fixed eyes," but that was much later in that thread so it would be easy to overlook.

Right now I'm trying to focus on the fact that it is easy to get horrifying bad results by following the correct procedure, and the product should be improved.

iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity...
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8 Years Ago by justaviking

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