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CrazyTalk 8 - Grand Launch!

Posted By Eric (RL) 9 Years Ago
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Eric (RL)
Eric (RL)
Posted 9 Years Ago
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CrazyTalk 8 is finally here! This whole new version of CrazyTalk 8 continues with all the great 2D stuff that you always loved about CrazyTalk, but it also brings a trove of updated features that allow anyone to create highly detailed 2D and 3D head figures from either front or side profile images, effectively advancing the capabilities of realistic head creation, while allowing users to export 3D heads and talking scripts from CrazyTalk 8 Pipeline to iClone 6, Character Creator, and any other 3D tool for full-body animations! 

Find out more by visiting CrazyTalk 8 Homepage HERE!

To see how CrazyTalk 8 Pipeline's 3D Head Creation can be applied to iClone 6 and Character Creator avatars, check  HERE!

If you have technical issues, or you want to see a list of known issues, visit the forum thread HERE!

To start learning CrazyTalk 8, watch our online video tutorials HERE!


Eric (RL)
Forum Moderator

Reallusion, Inc.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci
9 Years Ago by Eric (RL)
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Sorry. I am not sure how this forum works exactly. How do I DL my presale version of Crazy Talk 8 Pipeline?  I got the email and the serial number for Windows but it says Download is N/A. 
9 Years Ago by hufos
Posted 9 Years Ago
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You can logon to your account at the Reallusion site (not the forum).
You should be able to access all your software (including any bonus and resource packs) from your "Member" page.

iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity...
Desktop (homebuilt) - Windows 10, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, GTX 1080 GPU (8GB), 32GB RAM, Asus X570 Pro motherboard, 2TB SSD, terabytes of disk space, dual  monitors.
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Posted 9 Years Ago
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OK. I found the problem and everything downloaded ok finally.

Now the problem is that the Party Fun i purchased wont install to Crazy Talk 8 unless I pay for it AGAIN.

How do I get a simple upgrade for that? I made the purchase a few weeks back when I was first notified about it.

Thanx in advance
 for your assistance.
9 Years Ago by hufos
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Got CT8 + bonus downloaded and installed fast and without any problems. Running fine now and looks great. Happy weekend, folks!

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi there

i bought CrazyTalk 8 Pipeline Presale in November with content
but there is no download link in my member area and I got no e-mail concerning
download or serial number

thanks for your reply

Problem solved Thanks to FAQ
redeeming CrazyTalk8

9 Years Ago by wk_20120819132338715
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I still have n/a for my preordered Crazy Talk 8 Pro in my download area, when logged in.
What can I do?

Posted 8 Years Ago
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Contact the Sales department or put in a Support Ticket.


Get my Plugin Manager and TaskNotes plugins for iClone.
Check out EZColors and Other products for CTA/CA. EZColors: the easy way to change Render Styled (RS) colors!
See my CTA Tutorials on the YouTube channel CTAStepByStep

Fábio Silva
Fábio Silva
Posted 8 Years Ago
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When the MAC version will be available to download? I purchased almost 15 days ago...
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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drfgs (1/24/2016)
When the MAC version will be available to download? I purchased almost 15 days ago...

The Mac version is still on course for a release before the end of the month. Not long to go now. Smile


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