There is one thing in using the beta that I would like to see. It would be nice to be able to use something like this a Logitech
R400 Wireless Presenter to be able to stop and start live recording in iClone. I'm not suggesting any particular brand, mind you --just the idea that you can keep a remove in your pocket or in your hand that can stop and start the performance capture rather than having to walk back and forth to your laptop or computer in order to hit a button to turn it off. I would make the suggestion that iClone performance capture have some kind of take system where you can capture multiple takes that are staged in iClone. You can then go back and review each take, and if say the third take is a keeper, then you can click on it to send it to the timeline. I don't like the idea of having to scrub and rescrub sections of the timeline until you're actually ready to do that. This way, you can set up and do several performances and at your leisure review them before you take the best stuff and send it to the time line.