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Halloween English Lesson

Posted By Britlish 9 Years Ago
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Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 hours ago
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I was following the Reallusion tutorial for the Character Creator advanced facial modification on YouTube and thought that I could use the resulting character for a new video English lesson. Here is the result. I used two cameras in iClone along with a green screen in the mirror to produce an acceptable reflection. I'm looking forward to a time when iClone has good inbuilt reflections on more than just water. Before you tell me, I know that vampires are not supposed to have reflections in mirrors, but this one has. Must be a magic mirror!

V2Melody is where my three great passions converge: poetry, music, and technology. Here, I explore the musicality inherent in poetry, using modern tools to craft arrangements that breathe new life into beloved verses.
The Mythical Dragon
The Mythical Dragon
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I enjoyed your video.  I think you did a good job with the reflection.


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