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Problems with Reallusion website

Posted By Grampanda 10 Years Ago
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Problems with Reallusion website

Posted 10 Years Ago
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Last Active: 5 Years Ago
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I am a 73 year old newbie.  I would like to see the Reallusion WEBSITE start considering the purchaser.  Every time I buy something major, I have to spend a day figuring out how to get it to my computer and end up calling for purchasing support. This is a very hostile way to do business and makes me angry.  I hate to buy anything from Reallusion.
QUANTITY: My last purchases started out by placing an amount of 2 in the quantity field and made it confusing when I tried to reduce the quantity.  If people want more then one they will ASK .  Don't try to deceive them into extra purchases. Don't explain it - stop it - right now.
UPDATES: iClone starts with the option to check and update to the latest version.  It takes you to the webpage.  There you get a big button for UPDATES. This just leads you to advertisements for paid versions.  You have to click on the little button at the bottom to get the upgrade.  Then you can't install the upgrade because iClone is running and you are in a non-modal dialog. Hey, wait a minute! Didn't they offer to update when you started RUNNING the program???
THIRD PARTIES: Allegorithmic for example. Not only do we have to deal with the Reallusion website but also with Allegorithmic's.  When I had a problem I got bounced around between the two.
INDIVIDUAL DOWNLOADS:  We must select each content item for download and installation which can be very confusing when interrupted. Just give us the option to get everything that is not downloaded and message the ones that may not have made it correctly.
CC ESSENTIALS BUNDLE: Would not download at all. Clicking on Install.RLD gives 'Reallusion Content Download' dialog saying 'Please click  "Start" to  download' but Start is gray and inoperable. This one goes to Purchasing Tech Support - as usual.
Reallusion is diligent in trying to improve their product and very good at advertising it but they are shooting themselves in the foot with their very poor website.  All these problems are fixable and would greatly improve Reallusion's image as a dependable provider.

Posted 10 Years Ago
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Hi GrandpaD - welcome to the forum!  :)  I can help you with one of your problems - the CC Essentials Bundle not installing and the start button being grayed out.  I think you may not have installed the base (free) product yet.  First go into your Reallusion account - you should then be in your "Registered Product & Upgrade" page.  Scroll down until you find your iClone 6 Pro purchase.  Click the "Patch/Bonus" on the right side beside it.  You will then see in the popup "Bonus Downloads".  The Character Creator is there (597 MB).  Download and install that first.  Then go back to the CC Essentials bundle you purchased and it will then give you the start button to install.  Hope this helps! :)

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