Gianni De Matteo
Gianni De Matteo
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Last Active: 5 Years Ago
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Hi, So I bought Dimension3D's MIDI Piano from Content Paradise, installed it in Poser 2014 Game Developer, uploaded a MIDI file into its stand-alone app, converted it to a pose, and viola! The piano was playing my piece! I wanted to export that model as an FBX into 3DXchange 5.5 and bring it into iClone 6, so I did so. It loaded into 3DX just fine. To get the animation to work, I had to convert the prop to a non-human character. A dialog box appeared asking me to choose a bone axis and scale a bone bounding size. I went through the list of bones, on successive attempts to find the right one. After exporting the piano into iClone, it lands flat on its back, as if it had been knocked over, and it can't be rotated or moved (see attached pictures). I can't use the model in that state. I need to be able to pose it in a scene. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or how to fix this problem? Thanks, August 75% of original size (was 668x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Odd that it won't rotate.....
But, try linking it to another prop that you can rotate. It's an avatar, so you can only link, in this case.
Gianni De Matteo
Gianni De Matteo
Posted 10 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 5 Years Ago
Posts: 9,
Visits: 141
Thanks, Rampa, for your suggestion. I tried it linking the piano to a block and then moving the block, but no luck (see picture)! I wonder if there is a way to import the character so that it is not flat on its back. It's fine in 3DX. Any ideas? Is there a way to import a prop with animation without converting it to a non-human character? (I wonder if the problem lies with the fact that this prop is not rigged to have a root bone.) Thanks for your help! Best wishes, August 75% of original size (was 668x19) - Click to enlarge 75% of original size (was 668x19) - Click to enlarge