Hey gang,
I'm looking for more creative suggestions/tutorials about cool or spooky fog settings, preferably for iClone 5, please?
Or for iClone 6, using the native lighting (not indigo lighting).
In particular, I'm looking for spooky fog and light settings, which can create scenes similar to the pics on this page by Bigboss:
more at :
http://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/ccdproduct.aspx?contentid=AIC551CIENU050120150818005The most helpful tutorials I've found so far are:
1) Toon fog, which is also handy with tips for general use & animation of IBL, HDR, lighting and fog settings:
instructions at:
http://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/iClone/pack/CityElements_Toon-Town/help1.aspxand this, which also uses the sky to help generate a nice foggy effect in the distance
2) Mist planes with bloom scale adjustments which allow more precise control over where and how the fog moves:
3) Default templates for standard atmospheres:
... where it seems like the standard "blizzard setting" or horror setting might also be tweakable for spooky scenes...
HDR tone map and exposure settings also seem interesting in that tutorial (at roughly 5:00 mins). Anybody use them for other reasons?
4) Fog particles via the menu Stage/Atmosphere/Fog Setting...
(which take about 10 seconds to get going) altho I've never had much success with the standard fog emitter, which I have to switch on and off along the timeline to avoid getting "too foggy"... any suggestions for best settings?
{I'll insert a link to a helpful video tutorial as soon as I can find one... suggestions please?}
5) Hazy foregrounds and horizons via Stage/Camera/"Depth of Field"
... and of course changing the hues of fogs, and/or colours of lighting for the final touches...
I also like to add a soft vignette inside iclone, rather than later in Vegas or Premier.
Am I missing anything?
Does anyone have any favourite tips for using fog indoors, (e.g. near fireplaces, smokey taverns or discos etc?) e.g.
Do you prefer particles for indoors, or other settings?
What are your favourite choices and combinations for fog?
So far, my best results have been using a combination of DOF for the background, vignette for the foreground and image planes in between. e.g:
(Although this image is also looking out from another bubble as they float past each other, which is why the vignette is slightly greenish and less subtle than usual).
Any sample pics of your favourite work with screen shots of your settings would be greatly appreciated!
Anita, aka "Bleetz" the Toon Wrangler @ Tarampa Studios
SYS: Win 8.1, 64-bit, i7-4770 CPU @3.4GHz,
32GB RAM, Intel(R)Graphics 4600 & nVIDIA GTX1060 TI