You need to post your questions in the forum to which your questions relates to, such as the iClone, CrazyTalk Animator 2 or CrazyTalk 7 forums so that the correct answers can be given for the product you are using.
Since the answer was given for iClone I will give you the answer for CTA 2:
You can adjust the overall volume of all voices but not individual ones.
You CAN adjust individual Volume, Fade In, and Fade out for clips in the Music and Sound FX tracks but you can not vary the volume during a clip, just set it at a single level.
Typically for voice overs or for varying the volume of specific clips you would mix it in using a video (NLE) editor.
To get and actor to follow a song, you first need to put the music in the actors voice track to generate the lip phonemes.
Then copy the lip phonemes to a blank audio clip, delete the original music clip and move the blank clip with the lip phonemes into the original position and edit the phonemes as needed.
Then drop the music clip into the music track and position to match the actors lips and the actor will sing with the music.
Get my Plugin Manager and TaskNotes plugins for iClone.
Check out EZColors and Other products for CTA/CA. EZColors: the easy way to change Render Styled (RS) colors!
See my CTA Tutorials on the YouTube channel CTAStepByStep