Hi guys
I would love to be able to have more control over my assets, I am using dummy's as if they where groups, which is working pretty great.
1. to be able to move prop items up and down the list would make organising so much easier (organising kind-of works by using attach and detach and then attach)
2. colour coding or enhanced grouping would be nice
3. Prop layers would be awesome - buildings, rooms, plants etc.
just any organisation improvements, I work with hundreds if not thousands of elements in a scene so anything to speed it up would be awesome. For those new who read this, use dummies and dummies inside dummies, makes things a lot easier - e.g. buildings dummy, house dummy, room dummy, desk dumm.
Ideally this would be handled by a more intricate system such as currently the division between props, characters and lights, as Iclone becomes more powerful scene management is more essential to me and is where a lot of development time can be gained, clutter can be minimised.
Some feedback
Love Iclone as a one stop solution/rapid development tool, allowing me to create and finish projects alone that would otherwise take a team, Indigo is a good step to raytracing although I experience the disconnect to much and still end up using Iclones renderer, also still experiencing a lot of crashes during render on two machines, I think it may be GPU related. My overall opinion, if it matters 9/10