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Lip Sync Test 2 - Language Alert

Posted By jgrant 9 Years Ago
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Hi Folks,

Spent the day working on new lip sync tests. Please note: Language is NOT safe of all ears. Profanity is heard.

Father's Day was all about working on Lip Sync and so whom better to hang out with than George Carlin. The task I set for myself was a recreation of an old tired comic (with my apologies to GC) telling a story at a nightclub during the 1960's This first pass is the action only. I'm pretty happy with the characterization - less so with the sync. I will have to hit rounder "O's" for emphasis and find a better way to sell the dialogue. At 42 seconds, this took me about 2.5 hours from concept to completion - so my time allocation is good. As I continue to learn IC6, I can only hope for better control and fidelity with my work. 

Once I completed this pass, I added some small particle interaction to see how this translates in the lighting plus a brick wall for a 'comedy club' feel. Intercutting on both clips is achieved in program.  I'm including this pass here, but I wasn't overly happy. What I did notice was how stiff the character was towards the end of the bit so I added secondary animation to the head movements by puppeteering 'live' the character as the camera intercut - WHAT?!!! Yes, I could manipulate my digital avatar live as I worked with the figure allowing me to play to the camera and even share a look (or two) to the audience at home.

I also worked on a Chubby Pass today using a simple wav file from - it's fun to use these little bites to find some kind of feeling for the character tests. I'm still pretty stiff in my work - but it is about the practice. As I was unhappy with my work using Daz and Poser for the earlier animations (The Doctor's Wife, The Watchmaker's Apprentice and Closer), I know that my efforts here - and with my continued reading - shall hopefully pay off with more fluid and engaging character actions.

Here's the FINAL pass on the StandUp test with better head animations. Still catching some bounce flicker on the walls - but that is what tests are for. Smile

9 Years Ago by jgrant
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Thanks I needed a some humor today,  Carlin is a Classic.  Glad to see the community making use of the Lip Sync capability in iClone. Looking forward to the Lip Sync upgrade later this year with 3DX and iClone.

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a) Nice work.  Very nice.
b) Thanks for the "language alert."  Not because I'm so easily offended, but because my young son was nearby.  Good thing I put my headphones on.

iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity...
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Thank you for the kind response JustaViking. My goal is to try and use IC6 for my longer Toon styled animations and am getting my head around the software. I'm enjoying my time digging in and finding more and more tools as I go.

Next will be particle animations and attaching smoke trails and the like.

Q: is there a way to control slow motion or extend motion paths in slow motion? Is there a link or sticky on that?

Many thx.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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It's really easy to make motion clips in the timeline go in slow motion. There are a couple buttons in the timeline toolbar that set the clip to either repeat or stretch when you drag the end to the right. Stretch your clip longer for slow motion.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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OMG!!!!! I love this program more and more everyday. Tampa thank you so much for this. I'm sooooo excited. Can't believe I missed that.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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The clips are coming around very nice. I am very glad you keep updating your WIP. This will inspire whole lot of people to take up ICLONE.

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