Posted 10 Years Ago
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Hi, it is my code: - public void DialogoConferma(){
//devo fare l'animazione dialogo di Arisguard if (numDialog == 2) CTApi.Stop (0.0f); CTApi2.ShowActor (true, 0.0f, 0.2f); CTApi2.SetIdleMotion ("Arisguard_motion"); CTApi2.Play ("Arisguard", false, 0.2f); StartCoroutine(Attendi(17f)); CTApi2.Stop (0.0f); CTApi.Play ("giullare5", false, 0.2f); StartCoroutine (Attendi (17f)); CTApi.Stop (0.0f); CTApi2.Play ("Arisguard 1", false, 0.2f); //ritardo Arisguard 16.7 } private IEnumerator Attendi(float secondi){ yield return new WaitForSeconds(secondi); }
The DialogoConferma function called when i click on the button. but the coroutine don't work. why? Or exist another method for launch of more animations?
Posted 10 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 90,
Visits: 408
Ok, i solved. I set the delay's time as add the times. But in the second dialog, the position don't work. I have always in the center monitor.