The Necktie was designed and Unwrapped to allow proper weight mapping of the cloth.
The base Tie was approx. 48 polygons, but required additional structure to make it flow properly. The image behind the Avatar shows the UV Map, and the layout of the UV's which provides a guide for multiple points in which to weigh the cloth;
The Knot was separated as a UV seamed region, as well as the binding around the edge. It is actually a one piece mesh, although it may appear as multiple parts in the UV.
The use of a single cloth ensures no separation of the pieces regardless of the weight mapping applied, yet it allows multiple "color" variations to be applied to areas which may require it.
The knot as shown is black to prevent movement. The top polygon of the longer tail piece is weighted black to prevent separation during erratic motions, and the binding edge is a light grey so it will allow motion, but retain it's soft sided shape. The remainder is simple a darker grey, to prevent it from being too soft and losing it's shape when gravity pulls down on it during movement.
The Necktie has a set of bones allowing it to be shaped to conform to the characters general anatomy, then, and only then, it is converted to a soft cloth, but not before the average shape of the Avatar is achieved by positioning of the bones.
The monocle is simple a straight cylinder with multiple sections allowing it to be weight mapped on both ends to prevent it from swinging away; Attached to the Avatar's head, and soft cloth creating it's motion as the Avatar moves around. The Monocle was demonstrated before using iClone5 Rope, which is no longer an option inside iClone6, so this is my solution.
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